My brother and i have open source software and i find this extremely offensive. Why would i or any other person put viruses in our open source software especially if someone can easily read the source and see if we had a virus implanted in our code or not. Its just ridiculous.
I would get pissed if I thought the writters even had a clue what they were talking about...this is just like the Big Bang Theory a whole lot of smart crap added in by one guy working backstage.
You'd be surprised. Take C# or VB.NET for an example. You can actually put code into the designer for the forms, and have it executed on Form_Load. Now, how often do you check the designer code for your open-sourced applications?
Are we really getting upset over this? Who cares, it's a show for entertainment and likely 98% of the people who watch it don't even know what open source software is anyway. Shows like this don't care if their jokes or scripts are 100% accurate or realistic, they just write something for a cheesy laugh and call it a day.
Remember we are dealing with a population that had Lavern and Shirley as the number 1 show for like 3 years running. It looks like the shallow end of the gene pool is getting crowded.