Anyone See This B.S.?

Using open source is a dangerous "rookie mistake"?

My brother and i have open source software and i find this extremely offensive. Why would i or any other person put viruses in our open source software especially if someone can easily read the source and see if we had a virus implanted in our code or not. Its just ridiculous.

I would get pissed if I thought the writters even had a clue what they were talking about...this is just like the Big Bang Theory a whole lot of smart crap added in by one guy working backstage.

You'd be surprised. Take C# or VB.NET for an example. You can actually put code into the designer for the forms, and have it executed on Form_Load. Now, how often do you check the designer code for your open-sourced applications?

That kid oviously has no clue what hes talking about... or the writers for that matter...

Are we really getting upset over this? Who cares, it's a show for entertainment and likely 98% of the people who watch it don't even know what open source software is anyway. Shows like this don't care if their jokes or scripts are 100% accurate or realistic, they just write something for a cheesy laugh and call it a day.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Oh so if it's not intentional it doesn't matter then? OK well my bad. (Sarcasm Intended)


Email this to RMS lets have him stir up a shit storm

I wouldn´t take shows like those seriousely, at all. I hate to judge but who in his right mind would watch Disney anyways?

It boggles the mind that people pay hundreds of dollars a month to pipe garbage like this into their homes. Time to fire the cable companies.


Remember we are dealing with a population that had Lavern and Shirley as the number 1 show for like 3 years running. It looks like the shallow end of the gene pool is getting crowded.