Anyone recommend any good USB Type C Pci Cards?

Pci-e etc, etc... I have only been able to come across an ASUS card which on has 1 port?!?!

Has anyone else seen anything else available? Links would be appreciated!

I can only find cards with one port as well. There's one that has USB type-c and a fast charge port on eBay for $30 AUS.

You could look at getting a single port card and a hub. But I can't find any hubs which have type-c outputs. They're all type-a.

I guess this wouldn't a bad initial card to run (link)

Where did you find the hubs @Zavarrr?

Unfortunately, only to USB 3.0...

Wait but why do you need USB Type C yet? Almost nothing supports it, and you could wait a tiny bit longer to get add-on cards with upwards of 4 ports if you wanted all the Type-C madness.

To be ahead of the curve of course!

Being ahead of the curve in electronics sometimes means getting your hands on technologies that aren't fully optimized and implemented, and in this case you are. Wait til you have a type-c device then buy in, you'll get more for your money and spend less of it.

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