I have an extra Dota 2 key that I don't need. None of my steam friends need it, and I have no use for it, so I might as well give it away. My steam name is: [url=http://steamcommunity.com/id/Yhigma/]Yhigma[/url]
hehe, I got gifted it a week ago by one of the members on my mc server
I would not mind it. Find me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/ferman/
To be fair gr33nl34f was here first.
I have an extra Dota 2 key (maybe even two). Let me know if you still need one.
I could use one aswell, my steam name is kk22151012 - I know it is bad, but I was like 8 :D
So it looks like I have two keys. I have sent friend requests to you and Ferman.
My steam ID is "berkutovich": http://steamcommunity.com/id/berkutovich
My steam profile name is "meta.berkut".
Kind of unreasonable that one can send gift to people in Friends list only, or am I missing something?
If anyone wants I still have one more Dota 2 key to giveaway.
Oh! I didn't know people here knew about DOTA. Sure I'd LOVE one. Oh, wait, just checked my mail( as I forgot my steam account), and found out that I have been invited. Thanks anyway.
I have one if there are still people wanting one.
I'll take one http://steamcommunity.com/id/freebaser
You will have to add me as a friend on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/berkutovich
Silly steam does not allow to send gifts to non-friend members.
Ah, really sorry MaxiMachine and freebaser. Ferman appeared at the last moment and snatched the game.
I've got two Dota 2 gifts I'm not going to use - add me on steam if you want one http://steamcommunity.com/id/riley211
If anyone still has one... i would absolutely loce to have one! Steam name: Witteknokkels
Can anyone save a key for my friend? He really loves DOTA, so when I told him I got invited, he begged me to make a way to let him play too.
Anyone? You don't need to, just if you can, or want. And I'm still waiting for his reply on FaceBook to tell me his steam name.
I have one for you if you need it.
Does any one have Dota 2 keys left?
i dont have the game and i want to try it.
I got two new keys for Dota 2 to distribute. If you want then let me know.
My steam ID is "berkutovich": http://steamcommunity.com/id/berkutovich
My steam profile name is "meta.berkut".