Anyone know of Teksavvy compatible modems?

I’m currently with Teksavvy under the 30 Mb down / 10 Mb up, however I will be moving to the Ottawa area for university and am interested in going for there 100 Mb down / 10 Mb up plan. They list one modem router combo; The Cisco DPC3848; for $205 CAD including shipping. I want to see if I can save money by buying a different one or buying it elsewhere(semi-broke student). I don’t know a lot about network related things so I’m not sure if I can get something different or if I am stuck with buying only what they will permit me to buy. A lot of the spots I’ve seen that have it listed for sale are much more expensive then on the Teksavvy website, however if I don’t even need to buy that specific one and I can get something cheaper then that is even better. Let me know if I need to provide any extra info, or if you have any suggestions, even completely alternate ones along the lines of “hey there’s a better ISP in the area”, I’m open to anything.

Not sure if you still need to know, however I have been living in Ottawa for the past 2 years and we have used Teksavvy here and in Ontario with Motorola SB5xxx and Thompson Technicolor DCM476's even after they "were not on the list".

Had the Motorola from when we first moved to Markham a while back and we only changed it last year as my rents upped their speed and required DOCSIS 3. If all else fails, give them a call and ask them if there are any other modems or if the DCM476's or Motorola SB6142 or similar will work.

Call TekSavvy...

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Here in ontario we can get the RCA Thompson DCM 476 or Cisco DPC 3000

The Cisco is very cheap and runs decently, data sheets say it should do 160 down and 120 up.

Lol, I totally forgot about this.. I have switched to Rogers, I couldn't turn down the 250Mb down 20 up for close to the same price.

Just realized this was a dead thread, had no idea someone recently revived it. Sorry.