Anyone know of some games like Shadow of the Colossus?

Always loved Shadow of the Colossus, I've never been able to find another game quite like it. I tried lost planet 2 once but it wasn't really what I was looking for. Anyone know of some great games like it? Of course I don't expect it to be exactly the same but mayyybbee just as awesome 0_o


The Lord Of The Rings Battle For Middle Earth 1 and 2 (Strategy)

Stronghold 2 (Strategy)

Napoleon:Total War (Strategy)

Rome:Total War (Strategy)

Conker's Bad fur day (You need emulator for this)

Left 4 Dead 1 and 2

Counter Strike Source 

Half Life 2 

Far Cry 3 

Mafia 2

Assassins Creed 1

Assassins Creed BrotherHood

Assassins Creed Revelations

Assassins Creed 3

Dishonored Etc 


You sir, gave me an entire list of games to go through. Only games I've played from there are the AC ones. Thanks, anyone else want to add some feel free. I'm going to look all of them up.

No problemo! Ask me any game you want! :P