So let's say the average user on the forums sends 20 packets, I limit the users number of sendable packets to 50, and anything above that blocks their IP for a week. This would prevent people from DDOS'ing if i'm not mistaken, so anyone know how I could do this on pfSense? I could even run a Python script with cron if I need, I need a good way to block absurd numbers of packets, and only a one week IP ban, i'm all ears, and any help is much appreciated.
I'm not 100% on DOS stuff but I would think a firewall rule of any kind wouldn't work because the traffic will already have arrived. I suppose it would prevent your Web server from being overloaded but your connection could still be taken down.
But if you wanted to try it you could probably write a snort rule which would block users after a certain number of packets per minute or second or whatever. I couldn't tell you exactly how to do it though.