Anyone know how to get windows 7

well im building a gaming pc and the prices for windows 7 are high.

so does anyone know where to get windows 7 real cheap otherwise i can get it for $90

and i dont trust windows 8 because i know many people who have it and have had sooooo many issues playing games.

You could get it by other means...

I know but I don't know how.......

just buy a windows 8 upgrade for $40. use the ISO, and install it. Windows 8 is great, unless the hardware you have hasnt made drivers for windows 8 yet. 

if you do go with 8, get the "START8" program, it makes your pc boot just like windows 7. you'll never even see metro. another thing to note, windows 8 will tell you, that you cannot run an upgrade as a fresh install. here is how to get it to work from inside the regedit.

Open regedit by pressing Windows-q, entering regedit and selecting the result from the list of hits.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Setup/OOBE/
Change MediaBootInstall from 1 to 0
Go back to the start screen and enter cmd there.
Right-click Command Prompt and select to run it as administrator.
Type slmgr /rearm on the command line and hit enter.
Reboot Windows now.
Run the activation utility afterwards, enter your product key to activate Windows.

I understand where you are coming from, Windows is expensive. Now, the "other means" referred to are obviously illegal, but if you feel the need to use those means. There are "special" websites where you can acquire things. Just go to the Pirate Bay. I'm not recommending you do so, buts its an option


Torrent + piratebay = Win7 iso

Also, I bought Win 8 standard and I love it. Its faster than 7 and i have not run into but one problem with games. The one problem was with Sleeping Dogs


Thanks guys ill think about it

It is actually legal to download from the links on this website but you need a code still...

That is when daz loader comes in...

Works up to activating.
Thanks for the extra 30 days though.