I tried searching for it, and I attempted to follow https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/where-do-i-get-logans-theme/78126/16 but I could not get it to work, in that post it brings you to https://askubuntu.com/questions/101651/how-to-install-themes-with-gnome-tweak-tool but I'm not able to do that because I'm running ubuntu 15.04 with gnome. I can't run the flatstuio theme because my GTK is 3.14.13, minimum for it to run is 3.2. Anyone that could help me?
The theme may very well be incompatible with 3.14 as it broke compatibility with a few themes. That's the thing with Gnome, it introduces features that break incompatibility with other things, even if it is a version number change. Did you extract the theme from Gnome Look to ~/.themes and the icons to ~/.icons?
No, I just recently have been messing with ubuntu software wise. Going to try to do that.
I tried doing so, I have no clue how to do it from the terminal and if I try to do so through normally then it does not allow me to because it is a "hidden" file that was made by sudo.
Delete it with sudo
sudo rm /pathtopackage
Download the package
Extract the package
Open a terminal without root privileges
mkdir ~/.themes
mkdir ~/.icons
In nautilus press control and h at the same time
Copy the themes folder over to the .themes directory
Copy the icons over to the .icons folder
Open a terminal
sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
Open the tweak tool and select the theme and icons.