I've been seeing a few deals pop up for this VPN service and I was wondering if anyone is using it. I was going to go with PIA but Im open to suggestions. I would like something that will work with a hardware based firewall/router. Either DD-WRT or pfsence (prefer both).
My main reasons for VPN are:
Tinkering - I use hardware based VPNs at work but I love to learn what else is out there. At work we are stuck using more "common" methods for site to site such as cisco and sonicwall. I've never been able to really play with other software/hardware like the above mentioned wrt and pf.
Privacy - I just moved to comcast on the west coast and wouldn't mind making it a bit harder to log. Just on principal if nothing else.
Did I mention I like tinkering?
Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.