Anyone here do embedded C? Atmel? PIC? Arduino?

Hey guys, I've been goofing around with Arduino and das blinkenlightzen, but I'm looking to take a more in depth step into programming 8 bit micros, specifically ATmegas. Mostly because I hate the arduino IDE that much. Not necessarily looking for help, though wisdom would be appreciated. Just wondering if there's anyone else here into this

I've done assembler coding on PIC micros for several years with my job and I am in the process of learning C and C++. We use a few ARM processors in my company as well. Personally I am interested in the Arduino devices and Raspberri Pis as I have a few home projects I want to get working when I get some free time.

I've done a fair bit of C on AVR micros and I guess some advice would be to always keep the datasheet handy and get friendly with the contents of avr-libc :)

I second this. I've used 8bit and 32bit PIC micros for some of my own personal projects. I also really hate the Arduino IDE. They had to go out of their way to make it that crappy.

I am trying to get the nrf24l01 radio module working through an Atmega at the moment. Well … YES!

Things you will need that are essential to your journey.
Good IDE = Atmel Studio - Probably might be a good linux program but for shere ease of use Atmel Studio wins over all - forget that crappy Arduino IDE and use the best :P.

Programmer = AVR Dragon - You'll need this if you ever what to move on from an arduino board and is simply the cheapest method to get there, along with giving you access to the mighty JTAG (allows you to step through your code instruction by instruction).

Oh and website resource wise go to the best site I can suggest to get you started you'll be programming interrupts in no time. :D GL

Microchip MPUs have a good support, and their ide is not bad to be free, yeah you can always go to something like IAR but, MPLAB and now harmony are good tools for free, also Cypress has a very user friendly IDE for they stuff, for BLE development their tools look really really good.