Anyone have spare Wow game time? (Uk)

An old friend from Wow emailed me yesterday wondering if I'd play again. I quit in MOP 5.0 because at the time the game was in tatters really. So I was wondering if anyone had a spare prepaid game time card for the Uk version of Wow, didn't want to pay for a full month of membership if it wasn't going to be worth it and I thought that there may be other people whove quit but still have a prepaid card lying around.

PM me if you've got one you'd be kind enough to give me :D.

EDIT: Emailing me at: [email protected] would be easier.



What you can do is go to your Blizzard account and take them up on the free trial of Mists of Pandarea. This will give you a number of days you can play for free. I am not sure if you can access your previous characters or not. They have toughened up the game play again. The outcry from long time players must have been heard. I myself was not impressed when they dumb it down after the Cataclysm.