Anyone have a spare Gtx 770 heatsink?

Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone out there have a spare heatsink & fan for the Gtx 770? I currently have the stock cooler for the gpu and I want to be able to get the temps down lower without having to bring my fans any higher than they all ready are at(I have a kinda high fan curve set through Afterburner and if I bring the single fan any higher it just screams).


I also have no idea what coolers are even compatible with it so even just telling me that will help me with my adventure for a new cooler

This is an odd request as people don't really sell the coolers by themselves

But what you can do is have a look at the NZXT G10 and Kraken X40

It's a really cool option to cool your gpu and keep quiet

Check these out

Be sure to use the instructions and use a rubber eraser on the Vram and Vregs to remove the residue left behind by the thermal pads, otherwise heatsinks fall off.

I would grab the Twin Turbo, the one without the giant backplate.  It's a good cheap cooler and quiet.

I've looked at those and love those, but my problem is that my cpu heatsink(Thermaltak V1) sits about 2.5 mm from my gpu :c


I've looked into and it is safe at that distance even at sea level :D (I live in Florida around 2 miles from the coast)

The one "without" the backplate.

Even the Accelero Extreme 3 (No backplate)

Yeah since your're in Florida it might be better to go for the Extreme 3.  But either one is a drastic improvement over reference coolers.