I think I am. After the debacle with the 3080ti that was doa, AND frying a Tesla M40 I think I am done.
I thought I was good with PC’s… the market is so ()*&^( up, I dunno.
Maybe its just time to walk away…
I think I am. After the debacle with the 3080ti that was doa, AND frying a Tesla M40 I think I am done.
I thought I was good with PC’s… the market is so ()*&^( up, I dunno.
Maybe its just time to walk away…
That is frustrating to be sure but I’m not ready to give up, just waiting it out to see if things somewhat normalize or just stay unavailable.
Perhaps not look at it as getting out of TECH altogether but taking a break
yeah but with the outlook being now closer to 2 years to normalize… and with the ex-0periance I just had with “WorstBuy” I’m fed up.
Hey dude,
It’s rough about the 3080ti, to be sure.
And a risky operation like a cooler replacement is… risky.
Sorry you were unlucky This time, (and with the other card) but maybe just take a break for now, no need to go full throw-the-toys-out-of-the-pram?
Just over life in general I think. One of the few things I thought I could still do with a messed up body and brain… I was dead wrong it seems.
Well, one blip is a learning opportunity. The second is a reinforcement that maybe measure/study first, pull out the drill second?
I’d just take a break and walk away (if you are truly burnt out). Find some other hobbies or interests to work on to keep your mind moving. Cars, manga, and sketching are hobbies I like to engage in when I’m burnt out on gaming and technology.
Alternatively you could take some time for self improvement. There’s a lot of great content on the internet that can help better yourself. I found the lectures from this channel to be particuraly helpful in my own personal development. It may not have the same effect for you, but I figure I’d pass it a long in case you are interested
And some other channels or videos I found relaxing/motivating
I’m just having a hard time sorry all.
Just over life at the moment in a low and being retired at 39 (40 this year) and feeling like a useless drag on society with nothing to offer is upsetting. That and constant pain with alzheimers symptoms from a TBI (traumatic brain injury) seems a bit much to overcome today.
I’ll stop the pitty party and suck it up.
Not sure if this would help, but description of video seems to follow a similar tone
Shorter lecture
It’s ok to have moments, the important thing is to not let it become a long term issue.
Who doesn’t? Glad you posted though
And if it wasn’t healthy/good to talk through problems, the church wouldn’t have a stranglehold on peoples secrets psychologists wouldn’t exist…
We all have our moments, no need to bring yourself down even more.
I think it’s about taking this whole situation too personally. Being passionate about tools is normal, man made tools, achievements and we want to take part in the human advance. But, in the end, they’re just tools we’re buying for our enjoyment. They should remain so, no matter the passion that drives us to buy them.
Taking a break for a while is gonna make you appreciate them even more for sure. Take it easy and keep posting if you feel like doing so from time to time.
After the debacle with the 3080ti that was doa, AND frying a Tesla M40 I think I am done.
I’m basically done with the x86 platform these days, almost entirely due to the shitshow that is modern GPUs.
UEFI and on-disk operating systems have become glorified binary firmware loaders. Relying on magic to keep magicking isn’t a very sustainable business model, and end users pay the price in stability.
It’s not tech’s fault that x86 sucks, though. ARM-land has been more fun than I’ve had with tech in a long time. There’s other types of tech you can nerd out about if x86 doesn’t scratch your itch anymore.
Yeah I’m just kinda done…but good news I’m cleaning my main rigs loop.
Then it gets new coolant. Gotta find a home for the T420 server…sure someone can utilize it.
Just do what you can do dude. You’ve got enough hardware already to take your pick, and I’m guessing you’ll have a higher wife acceptance factor if you stop buying stuff and work with what you’ve got.
As for mental health, welcome to the club. I started going to a therapist for depression maybe a month ago and it’s been good so far. Still got plenty to work through, but everybody does especially after this shitshow of a year. No shame in that.
Whatever you decide to do you are not your job, and you are not your hobbies. What you are and what you do are two different things.
For me the most frustrating thing in tech is shitty quality and idiotic large corporations pretty much disconnected from the product experience they offer:
Shitty Intel P4xxx SSDs
Shitty AMD chipset RAID software
Shitty Intel Thunderbolt software, the latest drivers not even being able to be installed automatically without error messages even though the drivers are functioning fine when manually installing them.
Another thing is some (Thunderbolt) security issues can only be addressed by firmware updates. The third-party manufacturers don’t do anything to the firmware Intel develops and yet you cannot just get a general driver/firmware update package directly from Intel, like you get for ethernet adapters, for example.
Then try to reach someone who can really address something at Intel, AMD, Gigabyte, ASRock or ASUS et al. without getting brushed off as a poor end customer (“Bless your heart!”) who obviously cannot notice stuff “they” hadn’t…
This is true on all counts. Reaching the actual corporation and not someone outsourced to a foreign phone answer company gets bothersome. I don’t know maybe it’s a Veteran thing, but customer service is a real trigger for me. So far I’m very up set with Bestbuy and Nvidia. I know I’m just one person, but still I put in my money and now I have no choice but to wait till cards come “in stock”…whenever that may be.
Bestbuy I’m upset with for having no way to help with a dud card…
Nvidia I’m upset with took so long to reply I had to return it to bestbuy within the 15 day window.
Id like all you guys and thanks for the support, but I’m out of likes.
My day job is spotting stickiness in mostly software systems and organizations and recommending what suckiness to fix and what suckiness not to fix. The unfixed suckiness will usually continue to cause pain by repeatedly disappointing lots of folks making them waste time, adding to their stress and often times it’ll cost the company directly more than it would cost to hire more people to fix it. It’s easy to get haunted by it… “could i have made a smarter decision…”, of course yes, but without the goal of “what can I change to make a better decision in the future” it’s not worth worrying about.
… but, once in a while some things get better, and some things are getting fixed and that’s ok. All suckiness is fixable, and some of it will always exist.
I don’t think you should stress about the money and wasted time - you got dealt a bad hand and your brain is spinning as is natural, most people get into similar situations and most people don’t have big fat psychological safety nets - it’s common.
Try to make the most of what you have instead - time!
Treat it as an opportunity to “take a vacation” from tech. Listen to some podcasts (e.g. try “hidden brain” - it’s a psychology podcast and all of this is in your head after all), read/listen to some books, learn to cook a new dish, try to slowly clean sort and organize some things around the house somehow. Do/Find something to make your life easier and focus on that and stop focusing on what you can’t change.
thank you
You’re having a bad day (or month, or year). That happens. Remember that one phrase that works both when you’re sad and when you’re happy : this too shall pass.
What else can I say ? When the going gets tough, the tough keep on going ?
To be more constructive, perhaps you just need to change the type of tech you’re using. Why not go in the other direction ? Use smaller processors, less RAM, less flashy graphics, go back to the basics. Remember : the only reason modern PC’s are so complex is because people always want more and more stuff and marketing keeps pushing more are more “features”.
If all you can buy today is a GT710… then maybe you should look into what can be done with those. It’s probably a lot. Just food for thought.