I've really been getting into Southern and Stoner metal lately. Anyone got any good band suggestions?
I've really been getting into Southern and Stoner metal lately. Anyone got any good band suggestions?
EYEHATEGOD is always good...
Ha Ha hey, I'm sure this could be classed as southern stoner metal. If not it's funny as anyway.
Some of you may have seen this, some of you may not.
By clicking play you agree that you are over 18 and are not easily offended as the content may not be suitable for all audiences.
If not.... then the shits on you! \m/
Why does everyone like metal? It sounds like people screaming into the microphone, and they pass it off as music.
There are very little metal bands that you can actually understand the lyrics, and it's a shame, really.
If you can't hear the lyrics you need to get your ears checked. If anything I have a harder time understanding what these rappers are spewing out so quick. I've been listening to metal since I was really young so I guess it's easier for me to ear it?
Anything can be classified as music, birds chirping, doors slaming, footsteps in cadence, etc. I would like to call most of music nowadays not music, however I respect the musicians and the work they put into it(no matter how much or less they put in.)
Not all metal is just screaming, a lot of the classic metal has clean vocals and a lot of under ground metal bands have cleans, it's just a lot of people here are into the heavier darker metal. Not to mention I feel bad for anyone who judges a band soley on vocals. Vocals are one part of a band, a band can have guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, synth, alternative percussion, orchestral instruments, or pretty much any instrument you can think of. When I listen to my music I soak in the guitar riffs, drum fills, the bassist blending everything together, and the vocalist telling a story or sending a message.
Moral of the story, enjoy what you enjoy.
There are so many different genres of metal. Here's one you can understand.