Anyone else hate Company of Heroes 2?

What a terrible game........ Literally no difference in gameplay between the alpha, the beta, and main release I demanded a refund but gabes a dick

Badly optimized.

Horribly balanced.

Extremely obnoxious weather system.

All in all, feels like a bad expansion rather than a standalone sequel.

If you dident like the beta or the alpha then why did you buy it in the first place?

I've got to agree with Cooperman.  If you didn't like it before why purchase it?

Other than that, I haven't played it yet.

There's really not much difference between the two. It feels like the same experience.

I think he preordered the game. That is how he got access to alpha version.

So the lesson is do NOT pre-order games.

I played the beta for free on steam in havent payed anything it just proves the point that you shudent pre order.

It's not like there not going to have anuff copy's of it on relese day on steam is it? 

I really liked the previous game and expansion packs. Then I have played the open beta on Steam. I was hoping until the last moment that they will give me a one good reason to buy the game. Nope. Honestly, the game was just not ready for launch.

People often pre-order to get the extras (not that I agree with pre-order extra), not because of limited copies. 

I like it. Ya they didn't add much new stuff, but what were u expecting? It's not like they can completely change everything. The game would probably have sucked then. All around I think it's a sold RTS game and good fun. 

Well, then common sense dictates that the honest thing to do is to release COH2 as an expansion pack for COH1 rather than standalone sequel with a price tag of a full game. Graphics are not that much better anyways, and, at least, the previous version of the engine was optimize much better with respect to performance.

I got the game because I prepurchased it

i didn't like it, but then again i didn't like the first one... or any rts games