Anybody play the shamisen or other unique instruments?

I'm in the long proccess of making a game and there are many parts to it that come together to form the game, one is music, I am looking for people can play instruments or write music both would be cool but not necisary, I'm looking for people who can play the following instruments

  • Shamisen
  • shakuhachi
  • piano
  • violin
  • electrice guitar
  • ocarina
  • chip tunes (16 bit and below)
  • some form of purcusion instument like drums, the more asian feel the better

this is a shamisen

this is a shakuhachi

they are also what you usually hear in the naruto soundtrack

I'm having a little trouble finding someone that can play a shamisen and ocarina here in kentucky and Indiana

I tinker with piano, mandolin, guitar, and drums. And I freaking love the Shamisen... it's the banjo of Japan. 

I used to play the clarinet and bass clarinet, and I'm going to be teaching myself guitar.

if you can play them well the more the merrier, I'm not a musically inclined dude but I think it would be great if the songs were mostly chip tunes with 1-3 instruments mixed in, it would be kick ass if every song had a different instrument

Well, it's been about 5 years since I've played, but I would probably be able to catch on pretty quick once I picked it back up again. I don't own a bass clarinet, but I do have a couple clarinets lying around somewhere.


I used to play the ocarina, but I found the wonderful world of zelda and decided its much more fun to play it in-game than in real life. derp.

I know these aren't on your list, but the two unique instruments I enjoy playing are the Native American Flute and Didgeridoo.

I dabbled in drums, never was very good.

I'd love to learn how to play the bagpipes; they sound awesome.

I can do some precussion, Tuba and Clarinet

I Play guitar (electric and acoustic), drums, and I also do alot of stuff with fruity loops...

I used to be in a international hair metal band. I played guitars and eerie keyboards (during our goth metal phase). I also could play Bass and I dabbled in drums enough to fake it.

You can hear my ooooooooooooold commercially hair metal stuff here BUT .... a word of warning. It's from my young days ... when I played christian metal so only listen if you want a good laugh ... or are beyond all hope. 

Note: I'm no longer like that. I've freed my mind and I've become epic cool in my old age.