Anybody know what could cause this

So I have this popup that covers the bottom right portion of my main monitor. It doesn’t appear an an application so I have no way to close out of it and it forces itself above any windows

Update: Malwarebytes came back clean and unistalled program I thought might be the source. Everything seems to be in order but will update

So nothing showing up under Task Manager ?

Nothing in Applications. Processes and Services appear normal

Windows > Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Network Reset > Reset Now

you got a malware and you’ll never know what its really doing, time to nuke it bud


It might be in the middle of encrypting your shit. Do try to power it off maybe to salvage some files.

Hope it is not too late. Keep us posted OP.

Yep, you definitely caught something there, see if it at least allows your computer to use a scan software, i’d try Malwarebytes first hand.

nuke it right away

hope you got backup from important stuff

if you manage to rescue anything put it into quarantine and then, later, you drop it on a VM and scan it before bringing it back


“Nuclear mission authorized”, I concur.


I don’t think that’s necessarily malware. It could be I guess.

But it looks a lot like the Global Protect VPN software that runs on my company laptop.

If you’ve ever installed VPN software see if that’s the source of the popup. Some of it is really annoying like that because it wants you to know the VPN isn’t running.

Nuclear launch detected!

I forgot to ask this but is your screen smaller than 1920x1080p?

Nope ultrawide 2560x1080. It’s ok I just reinstalled 10 a few days ago. I was running 7 when this occurred