I recently got Interstellar Marines, and would like to know if anybody else has it/wants to play? My Steam name is mcaw3s0m3 (pronounced "McAwesome"), if you send me a friend request please make sure to tell you are from TS to let me know your not a random Steam user.
I've been following it for a while, how is it in terms of content? What are your general thoughts on it? I'm very hesitant to buy it
Yup, my steam name is same as here. I have only spent about a hour on it so far. The last update really made a difference in game play. Should be nice if they ever get it done. I will get more acquainted with it this week and see if your around on the weekend.
It is a very fun tactical game, however, if you don't play with friends its important to switch between game modes to keep from getting bored.