Anybody good with coding?

Hi you guys!, I'm currently in school, and I'm taking csci 108, because I need it so that I may get into the higher level course of csci; anyways, my professor assigned an assignment that I must work on, and it involves working on Microsoft visual, which I have never had any experience with, also I don't understand the instructions that came along with it. I've tried looking at some video, but I'm having a hard understanding what their talking about, our professor isn't explaining on how to use Microsoft visual, and I was hoping you guys would. I would really appreciate your help you guys. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

first piece

second piece

sorry about having them separate, couldn't fit them in one picture.

Here are some steps I wrote to start writing programs in Visual Studio.

-- Open Visual Studio.

-- Click on "New Project" in start page or select "New Project " from File in upper left hand of screen.

-- When New Project wIndow pops up use "Visual Studio C++" with "WIN32 Console Application" and make sure to name the file in "Name" bar at bottom of window and press ok.

-- Next window that pops up press next.

-- On the following window deselect "Precompiler header" and Security Development Lifecycle
   and click finish.

-- Then use Solution Explorer window and right click on the "Source Files" and go to add - new item.

-- "C++ File (.cpp)" should already be selected and you just need to name the file at the bottom of window
   and click add.

you can now write a program.  Make sure to use C library " #include <stdio.h> " .
I included problem 1 for you down below, you just need to change integer to long, then double, etc..

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)


printf("size of integer = %d\n", sizeof(int));


To test the code I use click on "BUILD" and scroll down to "build solution" or press F7 key to build.

if there no errors I click "Debug" and scroll down to "Start without Debugging" to run program.

Problem 2
is copy and past, you just need to write in a formula to convert under
else statement where instructor left the note  // Compute Fahrenheit .

Problem 3 the instrutor gave you a copy and past format and you just
enter what is needed where notes are labeled.

I hope this helps.

Oh My God! Thank You so much. You have no idea how puzzled I'm sorry I'm responding, I was checking on this for awhile and no one seem to post, thank you very much that helps alot.