Anybody gonna be on Gta Online?

Anybody gonna be playing Gta Online when it releases tonight?


will be downloading

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New amd beta driver for it...

I've got the beta drivers installed and the game preloaded. Add me on Steam if you're interested in playing together. Name is Nachosauce on steam. My mic broke though so I'm gonna have to get a new one.

I thought it was coming out on the 17th. Il make sure and will likely be there after work if that's the case. Offroadslayer88

I'll be on that junt after work tomorrow if interested my name if YeeOldeCheeseBurger on steam

GTA Online tomorrow? Damn straight. ;)

Will be on later. After I finish my taxes, last minute... O.o

name on R* SC is finalwing

Don't know whats up but I launched the game and so far im actually able to play it

You know GTA5 has been out for over 1 and 1/2 hours right?

Did people not know it came out the 14th in Australia and the 13th in america or something?

Yup, didnt know that

Anybody having trouble getting into the online portion? I can play the main game no problem but I keep getting connection to servers not available when trying to get online.

Either they are getting overloaded or that part doesn't unlock until tomorrow. Can wait until I get home.

On steam it said the 17th the other day. I'm sure I wasn't the only one tracking that date.

Apparently some people are able to play. The majority can't get on now, though.

Single player or multi-player?

Or both?

I'll be on later tonight. Add me on steam: Shipwreck. I'm part of the tek syndicate community group if you can't find me.