So my sister is dating someone that is 19 and she is 14. As of right now I’m trying to get more information on it. This is over the same network so it’s not like I’m trying to hack. I’d like to know how to view packets and things like that. Maybe get a key logger on her iphone. She does not use a desktop computer, yet. If you know something like firesheep or cookie cadger that I could use that’d be great. I have a spare computer that I could set up with an OS. If this is against the rules, please let me know, I don’t think it is because it is not hacking.
First of all he's 19 and she's 14, thats f*cking gross dude. She's still just a kid. I wouldnt worry about viewing packets I'd be picking up a bat and directing it to the creep's kneecaps.
.... wireshark is the tool you need
That's a bit intrusive, and she'll resent you a lot if she finds out you are doing that. You could always maybe talk to your parents, or talk to her about it? Maybe even talk to the guy she is dating? I realize your concerns, but I don't think spying on her is the way to go about it.
Hey man. I would report him to the cops right away. He's a grown MAN, and she's a child. Besides that, that's illegal, and he could go to jail for along time for that. It's disgusting, I wouldn't even waste your time with that. I'd report him.
I'm guessing your parents don't know about this? Any father would be all over that guy.
My parents know that it is happening, but the more evidence the better. He lives far away from where I live. I know that what she is doing is bad, she even knows! I do have his address because he sent my sister a package the other day.
She wouldn't know, she knows crap about computers, I'm using ubuntu gnome so it would not be hard to switch to a different virtual desktop and she'd not know a thing. Also, I have my spare computer hooked up behind me and I've been doing things to it for the past two days, so she'd not find it weird.
He even has a pedo stash, which I find funny. I'll try wireshark.
WTF????? ... how is that 'funny'! Report this shit to the cops man! Like now.
The reason why I find it funny in a way is that he is a pedo and he has the stash to go along with it. I know that it is messed up.
Pedophilia is no laughing matter in any circumstances. Report this to police. Doing your little detective CSI thing is wasting time.
Well I'm pretty sure that is illegal in every state if not all states. I know for Indiana its like 3 years difference going up til 18, and then its weird when either person is over 18 and the other is not. But no matter the law, thats kind of fucked up and something needs to be done. I agree with @deejeta, you need to get police involved.
If you know for a fact he is doing something illegal then you need to let professionals handle it. You will only get in the way. Not to mention risk getting yourself or someone else hurt in the process. I know by reading this thread alone you don't have the skill set(it has very little to do with computers) to get the information you are trying to get. You need to either convince her that this is a bad idea or your parents to intervene.
Wireshark, will do the job. Whether you should be spying on your sister is up to your conscience.