Any way to convert Mono to Stereo in real-time?

Title says all. I need something free and something that doesn’t have a “high latency” if that makes any sense nor alter the sound imputed.


You can't convert mono to stereo, as far as I know. Mono is one channel. Stereo is two channels. I don't think that you should be able to pull two channels from a single one. There might be a way to do it, but I've never heard of it. I don't know why you would need to either. Where are you getting the mono signal from?

hm, mono -> stereo
you could do it in old winamp ~ play around with frequencies and to which speaker. (on the fly)

Very funny!

But if you're going to post an APRIL FOOLS joke, why not put a little more imagination into it? Why not (also) ask what's the best way to get Microsoft Office to work in Linux? (Or was that your alter ego earlier?)

... "mono into stereo." JEESH!