Any total gurus on machine 'snappyness', extreme 'general desktop use' / browsing

I’m sitting at ~4300 tabs currently ( limited by my ~200GB of commit space, it is very annoying having to deal with OOM situtations) , have over 10k on mobile ( I honestly gave up on the browser that had the majority and just started to use another one). I wish I found this thread sooner as I do have to actively manage firefox with discarding tabs, and monitoring process manager, and routinely hitting the about:memory minimize memory usage, amongst other things. I also agree very heavily about the fact that keeping a tab loaded is the easiest solution to the fact that what is in it is an ephemeral object. Reloading or refreshing the tab will not work because you will not get back the exact same data as you did originally or in a worst case it is no longer available.

I do agree with some of the things said in this thread. For me I do not have any unsolvable latency issues with the browser (besides a problem that has recently cropped up with latency spikes typing in text fields), but I feel VERY constrained in how many tabs I can actual have open and undiscarded ( A lot of my 4300 tabs are discarded, and there are thousands more I never bother to restore as I do not have the time nor the memory to deal with them). I know that just buying a mid to large sized optane drive and having it hold my firefox profile, and the rest of it used for a pagefile would solve that, but I can’t really justify the price to myself.

I do rant/talk a bit more about firefox on this other thread Windows 11 Pro + Firefox Question and I stand by what I said, I want to fork firefox to better suit my extreme usage, and iron out a lot of the problems I run into. I do not know if chromium is actually better at memory management at high tab counts, or it just fakes it by discarding/unloading more often to keep up stability, and not OOM.