I'm a huge fan of SSD. I would personally recommend one for your boot drive. Once you've used one for a while, there's no going back. Even a 64gb or a 128gb boot drive would be fine.
If you want the look of the corsair closed loop cooler, then go ahead and get one, but if you're getting it because it's superior cooling, then take a look at the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo performance results and I think they're either as good or better (and cheaper).
Do you plan on going crossfire in the future? If so, soncider getting a higher powered PSU. Also worth a read is the report by pc perspective about frame timing issues with crossfire and SLI. It's an apparent issue between the two video card companies but it more apparent on AMD cards because nvidia has an algorithm that attempts to fix this. This isn't so much an issue for single cards, but it's a nice article explaining how FPS scores are an inaccurate measure of a card in most circumstances.
I got caught out on my computer with my fans being far too loud because my extreme4 board didn't have enough fan headers for my case. I thought it wasn't worth buying a fan controller for my $20 case when I could just get a nice case I had always wanted with a fan controller already in it (Corsair 600T). I don't have an idea about your case, or how many fans you have, but it's worth looking in to this issue. It is also worth mentioning that the extreme4 doesn't have many PWM fan headers.