Just wondering if anyone on this forum plays runescape. I play like 12 hours a day, you can add me "Mark Tbh".
I usually go nexing/kalphite king, im maxed, have torva overloads drygores etc... If you wanna do anything on RS just add me up :]
Just wondering if anyone on this forum plays runescape. I play like 12 hours a day, you can add me "Mark Tbh".
I usually go nexing/kalphite king, im maxed, have torva overloads drygores etc... If you wanna do anything on RS just add me up :]
I play on and off - currently off it at the moment but I'll be sure to add you if I come on anytime soon!
Don't mind RS.
Awesome :]
I played until last year when my account got hacked and I lost all my items and gold :/ If I ever get back into it a find a way to get back all my gold quickly i'll add you. Until then I'll stick to guild wars 2 :)
I did about 7 years ago.
Wow, didn't think people were still playing this game.
Same here; thought it was dead.
The last time I played offical runescape was 5 or 6 years ago. I had a level 60 f2p. Ive been plaing on the private server soulsplit lately and Ive been enjoying that. I prefer the old runescape over the new one.
There are some people who stayed... Unfortunatly lol.
Used to be like 200,000 people playing at once back in the day, now it's like 30,000 or lower..
Used to play, stopped playing but came back a few times. Was considering going back and botting but its gone so far downhill. I used to like playing castlewars.
For anyone who doesn't know - They've reintroduced an official '2007' version of the game upon heavy request. I hated the new RS also but the player base has increase hugely since the release of the 2007 version.
I hate the new rs. Though, I used to play.
I've been playing RuneScape since like 2003. I don't particularly like the new giant-ass crater behind Lumbridge. I don't quite understand the story behind it. I understand that Guthix is dead and Saradomin and Zamorak are fighting over control of Gielinor... But how the hell did Guthix die?
I used to play it about 6 years ago. I grew up on runescape, got some very happy memories. But it's not the sort of game I'd like to play now, it seemed geared towards children a bit. I loved it at the time, and I still think it's some of the most fun I ever had in a video game.
I played it quite a while ago. like 4years
i got mems @ lvl 80 and finally quit or got bored of it around 108.
I play on and off occasionaly, add me anyway and we can do something if im on, Lava Lampo4