Just wondering who else in here has taken up the task of learning python in a hurry?
I was tasked with this due to a new job that required me to do so. I feel like I have made a large stride and have become relatively comfortable enough to even help others whom are getting started and feel lost.
I can cover topics such as general python knowledge, Django/Flask, automation, regex and Python for networking admin.
If you have also become comfortable enough to help some others and want to share which learning materials and resources you have used feel free to do so.
If, people seem to take interest in this thread I will share/give and direct to the resources that help me personally.
Looking forward to some good code talk.
Nothing beats the main wiki docs... https://docs.python.org/3.5/contents.html
I've learned predominately through these pages.
Use the codeacademy course. It's a great start.
I enjoy python for breakfast.
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Learn Python the Hard Way may work for ya
I should also mention that the book is free online
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i LOVE how that website populates as you scroll down haha
Ok nice!
I think for those whom aren't completely brand new to programming the Udemy "Python for real life networking" I found this just plain... Fun.
Experienced programmers who just need a break neck fast intro to python syntax youtube channel of "Derek Banas" python in 1 video, it reminds me of linux tech tips as fast as possible videos (just a lot harder).
Finally, for those whom have never touched programming and are currently running windows on their gaming machine and unfamiliar with a nix based environment try the free videos on Microsoft virtual academy "Zero to hero with Python".
There are also django related and flask related tutorials on there that I found really informative (if you can stand the guys Mickey Mouse personality). I guess there is also a point system where watching videos gets you learning points though I am not sure what you do with them.
This should be a decent start if not I might as well literally drop a huge list here with all the materials I have used.
Keep scripting!