They premiered a new song called Lords of Summer a while back. What did you guys think of it? Here is the link in anyone has missed it.
"Darkness, imprisoning me, all that I see. absolute hollow! I cannot live, I cannot die, trapped in my self, body my holding cell!".
I am a metallica fan and I think this song is pretty awesome. I hope I will have a chance to see them live before they retire. It sucks that they are getting old lol.
It sounds both sub par yet also superficially better than their more recent material.
It sounds a lot like songs from death magnetic. And I don't really mind that.
"take a look to the sky just before you die, it's the last time you will!"
Thats OK, not bad for some old buzzards, I've not missed a Metallica concert in 30 years and I might not like all the albums( I am talking about you Load and reLoad) their live shows never disappoint. The only other band I never miss is SLAYER, they really kick you ass live.
Ah the good old days.RIP Cliff
Master of Puppets was really good.
I like metallica...
Yeah same here, hopefully I will get to see them before they call it a day as well. No other band has had the same effect on me as Metallica and I have tried to listen to many bands. Only bands that come close are Megadeth and Slayer.
Yeah and considering this song was put together just for the shows, their new album will be pretty epic. I can't wait for it but knowing Metallica, they will take their time.
Always preferred Megadeth, to be honest. Or Anthrax.
"Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky. Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry!"
Yeah, I think i have watched all their concerts that exist on Youtube and I have not seen one concert which was not epic. And have you been to all their concerts?? or Do you mean you've watched them all like me? And yeah Slayer is just brutal. Too bad Jeff and Lombardo are not part of slayer anymore. Lombardo is the sole reason why I listened to Slayer.
Yeah but to be honest, any Metallica is good for me.
You should check out more of their music if you only know Master of Puppets. I suggest you start off from their very first album.
Thats alright. Everyone has their taste. Which bands you into though?
"Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell!"