Any Linux Tips?

Does anybody have any tips for becoming more familiar with Linux? I can mount and unmount a flash drive. Copy and move files, etc from the command line. Suggestions to become more familiar with Linux.

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mhmm try to create a file, edit it in the console, create a new user (with its group and home directory), add it to a secondary group, change to that user on the console, play a bit as it than remove the user, its home dir, its group ^^

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any idea on where to start with all of this?

Thats a good step by step tutorial =)

Become incredibly intimate with every command on this reference sheet.

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Just keep using it.

If you want a challenge. Use Linux exclusively for a period (3 months maybe?) and make heavy use of the cli.

You can do allsorts on the cli. Try out setting up mpd and ncmpcpp, customise ncmpcpp.

Try emacs and vim, and decide which you like more then spend some time using them to edit everything you edit, that way you'll be familiar with one of the two most used advanced text editors.

What OS have you decided to use?

right now i have a temp machine setup with debian no gui. linux exclusively is not much of a option due to school but at home i might try it when i get either my laptop fixed or build a pc. I do find my self using cli more and more often for doing basic stuff like shutting down or copying files.

Even so, like @Eden said just keep using it, and eventually when you run into problems don't take the easy way out and just re-install... troubleshoot your way out, that way you'll learn the most.

Fun fact. Linux users who use shutdown -h now are more likely to have been using Linux for some time than newer Linux users.

Shutdown options.

systemctl poweroff
systemctl halt

All essentially/kind of do the same thing.

Debian is a good system to try. Im running Debian sid on one of my machines.

If you want to use Linux exclusively there are sometimes ways to work around school problems, though more and more this is becoming impossible.

if you need a cli browser, try links.

The new version of debian should be on systemd, so a good thing to do it get familiar with systemd and the surrounding utilities.

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Do I need to feel old now?

No but you must now have a unix beard or have a surrogate unix bead if you are unable to make one.


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Tip number 2

Your on the command line, maybe a tty running lets say htop but you want to quickly do something else without getting rid of your running program.

Move it to the background with Ctrl + Z this wont kill the porgram, it will run in the background. Check the background program with bg bring it back with fg simple.

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i did not know that. thanks. plus there is ctl +Fn

Yea ran into my first problem. Cant connect to wifi to update. going to dual boot into kali and download drivers that way.

Learn Perl / Regular expressions. The Terminal really comes alive with those commands. Also | is your friend !

It is. usefull to stop man -k "insert something here" to view on page at time or grep something to search a long line of text

I have a ton of pictures in a directory. Renaming them was unbelievably fast with perlexpr

rename 's/zzzzz(\d{4}).JPG/My_zzzzz_$1.jpg/g' *

basically: zzzzz1234.JPG to My_zzzzz_1234.jpg

I just found something new in Fedora. If you type a command in the command line and the package isn't installed it will search for and suggest a suitable package, ask for the root password and install it for you in the background.. Then it will run your command for you once its installed.

Is this a packagekit feature maybe...

Don't forget your sudo!

I'm on Fedora 23, I was looking for 7z, Bleachbit, iotop, glances and couldn't find any. I never suggested anything either. What command are you using?