So, here is the deal, I wanna make a APU system, and I have all the parts and everything (will post bellow) and I know before everyone points it out, YES, the PSU included with the case is 90W and the estimated required is much higher. Now I come to my questions.
1. Can i replace the PSU with a picoPSU? because that would solve the power problem. and the the build would be awesome.
2. How high is the AMD stock cooler? because i need to know if it will fit in the case or if I need to purchase a low profile one.
The Build:
The picoPSU:
The only reason for me going for this build is because I travel a loot and this would be really cool to have with me and be able to just plug into a monitor and game.
If you have ANY experience with this kind of stuff the pleas feel free to post :)
THX :)