Any good post apocalyptic books?

recently got back into reading and was wondering if theres any good books out there that cover the whole post apocalyptic genre?

Or any good books along those lines


The Metro series is good, AKA Metro 2033,Metro 2034 The Dark Tower series is good. The Stand. Planet of the Apes. Ringworld, those are the ones I have read and enjoyed.

i heard World War Z was pretty good and that the movie has little to do with it, but haven't read it...

The Road is an excellent post apocalyptic story to read if you haven't read it yet.

will check them out, cheers!

movie not bad either.


the giver

the stand




The book of World War Z is amazing, one of the few books that I've read that when I finished it I immediately read it over again. Max Brooks (Son of Mel Brooks "Fronkensteen!") takes the "mundane" bits of survival that the Walking Dead series leave out and makes the reader realise that this would be the reality of an apocalypse and probably not the repetitive "smashy smashy blood blood" that the TV series resorts too because the writers aren't talented enough to weave a decent narrative.

The Walking Dead books are very good, the dialogue is ropey in places and after being spoiled by Tony Moore's artwork in book 1 Charlie Adlard's work seems unrefined by comparison but they are worth purchasing.

The Zombie Survival guide (also by Max Brooks) is an excellent accompanying piece, as is White Horse by Alex Adams.

Earth Abides

did they make a movie based off the book with viggo mortensen in it?


Different kind of post apocalypse, but Boneshaker was really enjoyable. Gold rush era, steampunk, blights gas zombie content.

Seems I am fairly alone in my view of it being good, people like what they like. 

The Broken Empire seires by Mark Lawrence is a very good seires, although when you start reading them you wouldnt think they are set in a post apocalyptic setting, the world has reverted to a medieval like state. Also the main character, Jorg, is not a good guy, in fact in most instances at least towards the beginning of the seires he is pretty much evil, so if that is something that you wouldn't like I would not recommend them, although they are some great books! 

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Julie Kagawa's The Immortal rules, really, check it out! It almost made me cry and I have a heart of stone.

it's a MUST READ