Any Good games to play? O.o

Weather it be the PC or a console...

I would really like some recomendations as to what games I should get? :/

Preferably for the PC as I do not have many for it yet...altho I do have a entire shelf full of console games sadly...

Just finished my PC build it has 2 GTX 680's in sli with water cooling and I think it's an i7...something? :P

It has the unlocked multiplyer..? Any way...

I have herd skyrim to be a good PC game but I have no idea where to get the mods for the game? :/

I have also herd of L4Dead 1/2 and a few free to play MOBOA games...

I'd like to spend around 350$ on games this month for the PC and the consoles i'd prefer to not buy anymore. Unless its like an ubber ultra amazing game, that I must have for some god like reason...

I would recommend Skyrim (With mods from, Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, and possibly Saints Row The Third. You can also check out Steam and see what they have this month (As in new games, sales, ect...). I wish I had $350 to spend on games >.>

EDIT: You might want to look at aswell.

So when I get the Skyrim game through steam should I also add the DLC to the cart? :/ Or is it not worth it...

Also the link you posted there does not work, well I mean it does but its broken? It doesn't load the full page it only loads a big white backround with a bunch of hyperlinks all over it and a few photos here and there...

Edit 1: Lol one more thing on steam it says would I like to get the offical strategy guid for skyrim? Do you think I should get it? O.o As I have never played a elderscrolls game before...

I suggest Day of Defeat;Source. It's like 10$ and a super fun realistic valve fps. Guns have recoil and health is low, super fun. Got the original in a valve pack and grew to love it. So I bought the newer one and it's still one of my favorite games!

Wait for Borderlands 2 GOTY Edition (June/Juli maybe?). Borderlands 1 GOTY is also worth your money! Great games :)

i recommend dead island riptide. is a good game when you got a friend to play it with. bf3, farcry3/blood dragon also.

I have a huge list that you probably haven't played yet but they are older than7 years old

+1 for Day of Defeat Source, Just Cause 2, Mount and Blade(there's several, pick whichever), Bastion, Deus EX Human Revolution, Mirror's Edge... there's plenty more out there.

Add the dlc!!! it add's so much more to the experience, got em all myself and do not regret it. also look into overclocking that cpu dude people on her will be more than happy to help after all your water cooling that baby

EDIT: get spec ops: the line. amaizing single player campaign it's also co-opable

Minesweeper is good :P

Fallout 3,borderlands,Battlefield 3 Premium Edition(has all dlc with it),Farcry blood dragon,Grid,dirt3 

Latest Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3, Hitman, Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite, Deus-Ex.

Get the DLC, ignore the strategy guide. And I dont know why the link wont work for you....