Any game recommendations that a super low end PC can handle?

Hello. I'm looking for some seriously low end games that can consume my life while I save up for my new GPU and PSU

I'll start with the Specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 820 @ 2.8 GHz

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 4200 ( 256MB, DDR2, 3.2GB/s Bandwidth)

RAM: 6GB (DDR3...I think?)

The types of games that I'm looking for:

Really bad looking Fallout/Elder Scrolls type games: (Massively Single Player Offline Role Playing Games) I've played the other Elder Scrolls games, Fallout, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Terraria-esque games. I've played: Terraria (obviously), Starbound, and some other crappy ones.

Stealth games. I've played: Deus Ex 1 and Human Revolution (Barely ran), the classic Thief games (1-3), Splinter Cell (1 through Chaos Theory), Dishonored, Assassin's Creed 1, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, Crysis 1, Far Cry 2, and the Classic Hitman games.

I'm looking to get into the 4X genre, but I don't know which ones to start with...

So, I'll appreciate any and all recommendations that anyone gives me, because at this point, I'm getting really desperate for something to play. Thanks in advance (That is, if anyone responds)

System shock 2, Baldurs Gate 1 & 2

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Have you tried FTL: Faster Than Light? It's really interesting and does require a taste in how it approaches replayability and immersion, but it's fun and challenging.

I've been digging SMITE recently. It's a MOBA that is styled after an MMORPG. Basically it's a third person MOBA compared to the traditional isometric RTS MOBAs.

You could also pick up Bioshock 1 and 2. I personally love the Bioshock series; it's pretty formatted, but that doesn't take away from the immersion. Bioshock Infinite probably is a little to graphics intensive for your rig though.


yeah, I've played that. 3FPS at lowest settings.

I was looking at FTL. Wasn't sure about it though. I'm going to give it a try now. I have played the Bioshock games, and I agree, those games are great. I should have put those on the list. And I haven't ever been able to get into MOBA games, is this one different than League of Legends and other games like it? Thanks for the recommendations.

Smite is very much different than other MOBA's. You use WASD to move your character, 1-2-3-4 to cast abilities, and left click to use an auto-attack. In a normal MOBA, it's basically an RTS, right click to move, QWER to cast on left click, which obviously leads to lots of clicking.

There are casual game modes where you can learn the game's characters, abilities, and general mechanics before playing in the Conquest mode (which is the traditional tri-lane MOBA map). Eventually you can learn the Conquest meta, strategies, and deeper game mechanics if you are really interested. I'll be completely honest, I main Siege, which is a 4v4 map. It's a great fuse of casual and competitive.

You can probably play some source games like gmod or cs:go with radeon 4200 graphics

Well, I was going to give it a go, but sadly, I looked at the system requirements, and they looked too demanding for my system to handle. I'll see how FTL does for me.

If you like sim/mgmt games, give OpenTTD a try.

Thanks. I've never heard of that one. I'm probably going to download that. It looks like something my computer can handle

Torchlight is a pretty good RPG if you like the DOTA style of RPGs (if you don't know it, just play Torchlight :)). It has a netbook mode for low-powered systems so it's likely to run pretty well.
There's always the Command & Conquer series if you're into strategy games and they're almost guaranteed to run well on old systems. Old but they keep their playability.
Castle Crashers is a fun hack and slash type of game. Re-play value is practically null and void, however, unless you play multiplayer (in which case you compete against each other to get the princess).

Most MMORPGs have settings for really low-end systems. TERA, which I'm currently thoroughly enjoying, has settings for high-end systems all the way down to onboard Intel graphics and even a step lower. An Intel HD 4600, for example, can run it at level 1 pretty well (pre-set graphics levels go from 0-5, 0 removing pretty much everything that looks nice).

give a shot in brutal doom.

Beyond Good and Evil from GOG and Hotline Miami 1-2

risk of rain is infuriating
and FTL is good too
binding of issac

If you're looking for a multiplayer game, I really enjoy Hearthstone. Tons of fun and I was actually able to play it on an old laptop of mine that had Intel HD 3000 Graphics... which is not powerful at all.

If you haven't played it yet Witcher 1 might be a good option. Currently $2.99 on GOG. I am currently playing that (well GTA V has taken over for now). Working my way up to Witcher 3.

Starcraft 1 or 2, diablo 3, WoW, Brothers (maybe will work).

I adore it. Mind, I'm also really bad at it.

Your PC should be able to handle the Star Wars KotOR series.