Hello readers and electrical engineer type people! A week ago, I posted this thread: https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/any-electrical-engeiners-want-to-help-an-idiot/96632
It was regarding charging some Sanyo 16650 Lithium cells that I acquired from a laptop battery that I took apart. I had asked how I would go along with charging the batteries, and I got great answers and a lot of help and learned quite a bit.
This week, I took apart one of my portable battery banks, which contains 4 Samsung 18650 cells. From a bit of research, the only difference that I could find that the Samsung Cells hold more power (300mah difference)
Link for Samsung Cells: http://lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/Samsung%20ICR18650-28A%202800mAh%20(Purple)%20UK.html
AND http://www.ebay.ca/itm/SAMSUNG-ICR-18650-28A-2800-mAh-with-Solder-Lug-/262041777822?hash=item3d02e8369e:g:F-4AAOSwg3FUc4N3
Link for Sanyo Cells: http://www.illumn.com/16650-sanyo-ur16650zta-4-35v-2500mah-flat-top.html
AND http://www.ebay.ca/itm/2PCS-Sanyo-UR16650ZTA-Li-Ion-Rechargeable-Battery-Batteries-2500mah-3-7V-/281843162051?hash=item419f295bc3:g:wKQAAOSwl9BWM1wg
From looking at the 4 different website that I checked out, it seems like both the Samsung and Sanyo batteries charge at between 4.2 and 4.35V, and both have an end discharge voltage of 2.5v (which I think means that it won't go any lower than 2.5v when empty? Correct me if i'm wrong). From what i've read so far, the Samsung and Sanyo cells are very similar, so I was wondering if I could replace the 4 Samsung cells which are inside my portable battery bank, with the Sanyo cells. Of course, i'd have to wire things identically or I might fry/blow something up.
That also leads me to my second thing... I don't have a voltmeter lol, however, I do have a soldering iron (60w), soldering wick, and a soldering pump! If I were to Google the polarity of each side of the Samsung and Sanyo cells, and find out what each colored cable on the PCB means of the logicboard controlling the charging/discharging of the batteries, would that be good enough?
Here are pictures of my portable battery bank, taken apart (album): http://imgur.com/a/pcTVV
Heres a picture of my Sanyo Cells from the laptop battery: http://imgur.com/miDGVox
Will it be possible for me to remove the 4 Samsung Cells, and replace them with my 4 Sanyo Cells (and wired correctly), and charge the 4 Sanyo Cells just fine? Also, would it be possible to charge all 8 batteries at once, without causing any of them to be overcharged/burning down my house?
Thank you to everyone who understands what I just wrote above and can help me! I really appreciate it! :D