Any decent games for me out there?

Okay, well, I built my gaming PC back in Feb only to play a few (very selective :P) games. 

These are, CS:GO, CS:S, and I thought there will probably be some games on the PC that I will enjoy. I recently played Need for Speed: Most Wanted and really enjoyed that, although after 3 days it just got boring cause I was at the top of the list. Waiting for The Crew to come out on Steam :( 

I used to be a massive fan of GTA until GTA 4 and 5, which kind of sucked IMO. (Never even played GTA 5 on my PS3). I love Metal Gear Solid, (on console) played Tomb Raider on PC, which was a very decent game. I don't play CS:GO anymore as I was playing it too much (8+ hours a day). 

So, in the nutshell, I like

  • Counter Strike
  • GTA-esque games
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Also massive Pokemon fan

I can't find any games that I'd enjoy on the PC. (Please don't send me to CoD or Battlefield). Grid 2 bored me very soon, it felt so linear, I played Bioshock for like 2 hours, it was creepy and gave me seizures :| (literally). 

*SIgh* it feels like games no longer have good stories. 

Fallout 3?

I'll look into it for sure, is it a console port?

Bioshock infinite not 1 or 2 they gave me motion sickness, just cause 2, fallout new vegas, spec ops the line, Mass Effect series, Metro Series, Sleeping Dogs, Rage, Shadow Warrior, Farcry 3, Batman Series, Arma 3, Planetside 2. All racing games are going to be linear thats the nature of racing a car you need to stay on a track. If your looking for more immersive  check out iRacing and make sure you have a sim setup.

Well GTA 4 has the best story of all the GTAs, get GTA 5 on PC though, it'd like the old GTAs but with better graphics.


Spec ops the line has a good story and so does sleeping dogs, assassin's creed series, far cry 3, mafia 2, sniper elite 3 and PayDay is funny and so is borderlands.

I think so yeah, but what isn't these days..

give operation flashpoint a try (any of them) 

Wow, the amount of replies I got in such a short time period is amazing :D I will definitely check out Far Cry 3 when it's on sale. I don't wanna go with uplay (already have steam), I might buy GTA 5 when it comes out on PC, although I've already seen the last mission and I'm not massive fan of the new style, if that makes sense. Or maybe I've just played too much GTA to appreciate it lol. Saints Row 3 seems quite cool as well. 

I've heard that assassin's creed sucks on PC and the newer ones are just getting worse so.. I don't know what to make of that. I'll also have a look at operation flashpoint. 

I've also watched gameplay of one of the batman (arkham city maybe) and although it was entertaining to watch I don't think I'd enjoy playing it. 

Also, what I meant by non-linear was simply a game that lets you cruise around and THEN do a mission, unlike Grid 2. At this point I'm really, really missing midnight club 3 dub edition :( 

On the racing front. It is old but Burnout Paradise sounds like exactly what you want. Most Wanted 2012 is basically v2 paradise. Only the car handeling does not suck in paradise, the map is smaller but there is more gameplay buy a long way. Graphics are older but hold up well. And for however long it lasts the online is running still and it is good fun. But only about 12 or less people online a night.

It is still for my money the single best social arcade racer out there but it is just ageing now, unfortunately.

Other racers I have enjoyed recently:

  • Gas Guzzlers Extreme
  • Nail'd (old but has LAN)
  • Dirt Showdown
  • Distance
  • Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (old but better handling than MW)
  • Next Car Game: Wreckfest
  • T.E.C. 3001
  • Trackmania (United or Stadium 2, I recommend United)

That is my racing short list, they may not all be to your liking but options is options.


Edit: for the likes of MGS, 2 had a PC port and the new ones are coming to PC with the possibility of old back ports/HDs. And there is PS2 emu for others like midnight club.

I'll check out burn out paradise as well, I played a burnout game or two on my PSP - I think :P I own the MGS:HD collection and have been waiting for MGS 5 to release on PC since FOREVER. I appreciate all the help:)

Maybe Saint's Row or Far Cry, those come quickly to mind.

I tried watch dogs and I absolutely love the game (despite not even being able to get 30 fps at times lol) - it's like the better version of GTA :D Is my Athlon 760k holding me back? 

much more likely the GPU for FPS

something like that would be a huge upgrade over a 7850

(gpuboss is pretty terrible but it makes the point)

Always a good Idea to look at game Play on you tube. I found myself Playing a really old game of late "manhunt". So older game still are fun to play. 

Yea, I myself am gonna get the new GTA in jan. Looks like so much fun and tons of crazy stuff to do. 

Be sure to check out the Metro series if you're looking for something with an amazing atmosphere and a decent story to go along with it. Also, you haven't played an FPS until you've played Doom 2 with the Brutal Doom Mod installed. In addition, it may go without saying, but if you don't own every game in Half Life Complete, go buy Half Life Complete. The original is a pretty decent corridor shooter that may or may not have aged well depending on who you ask, but the sequel is regarded as one of the best games ever produced which I've noticed is conspicuously absent from the libraries of many people who've gotten into PC gaming recently.  

@DrunkenPanda I like how you went to my profile and saw that I have a 7850. Well done for that :P I don't know why I'm so picky with games now that I'm not a kid anymore. I used to play every game I could get when I was a kid on the PS1. Is it me, or is it the games? They just aren't captivating :( 

Also, I'm not a fan of first person shooter games with a story. Not the war-killing type anyway. I really like Watch Dogs and I wish that the developers spent some time optimising it for us PC gamers :(


Not sure if someone has said this already.. but if you buy Far Cry 3 on Steam, it still requires UPlay. 

--edit-- Just read that you don't like first person shooters with stories. So, disregard the below.----

I'm going to throw a vote in for Dishonored. I liked the atmosphere, and the story. It's not completely linear because you can choose to do side missions and such in the game. I passed on this game several times over multiple Steam sales because looking at the screen shots I didn't think I'd like it. I finally caved, bought it, and am very happy that I did.