What antivirus do you use? What is the best.
MSE is all I use and the only thing I recommend to anyone.
Edit: MSE = Microsoft Security Essentials
Kaspersky imo
trend *whatever the second word is today*
All antiviruses suck at being themselves. The only real protection from malware is a user who doesn't catch it. Means like limited user acconts and browsers with adblock and weboftrust also help.
You are trusting people too much. I have one customer (I do computer repairs on the side along with my full time job) that has gotten the FBI virus 3 times that I've had to remove.
Additionally, most of us here have higher end systems. The amount of resources an antivirus program uses is neglible to us, no real reason not to have it.
I have a Mac Book Pro. I don't need an antivirus because apples don't get viruses duh :)
Just Trolling.
I also only use MSE
I don't care about the resources, antiviruses are just annoying. False positives, updates and all other crap that they pull off. Considering their inconsistent detection of actual threats, having one is counter-productive.
Hence why I use MSE. Mcafee, norton, AVG etc etc are all viruses themselves. MSE is a clean bullocks free install that doesn't give you the huge headache of all the other AV programs. I never get false positives from anything.
As (apperantly) a only-needed-when-something-goes-wrong computer repair servicepoint (known in many, many directions)
You sir made me laugh very loud and healthy with that pic & I thank you for that.