Just wondering whether anyone had seen, handled or used one of the Antec GX700 cases? Any good?
I need a case for my current build and it looks like good value out of the box (three fans included) at $75 AUD. I'm not that keen on how it looks, but I'm all about functionality, and the fact it comes with a front dust filter etc. is selling me at this point.
In short, I'm doing an FX-8320 build and will overclock it a little past 4Ghz - it will be a conservative OC as the machine needs to run stable under 100% loads on a regular basis (I am using it for HUGE statistical calculations for my research).
I know you can take an 8350 to 4.8ghz before you run into any kind of limits (with ample cooling), so i guess a 8320 should be able to hit about 4.2ghz.
Also the GX700 seems to fit the bill for price to performance. It's definately worth $75 AUD, 3 fans, filtered intake, usb 3.0 IO, easy drive mounting, and ample cable management.
Really the only other contenders are the corsair 200r, and the NZXT source 220.
Sweet. Thanks guys, I'll go grab one this afternoon or tomorrow.
Fingers crossed on the OC, if I could get it to somewhere between 4.2 and 4.5 I'd be pretty happy. The GX700 seems to have decent airflow with the included fans, and I also have a 120mm from my old case that I will use as a front intake fan.
For the CPU I am going with a Hyper 212 EVO. I've seen people get reasonable OCs out of those.