Friend needs an upgraded. Intel. I don't understand Intel very well.
Is: Intel Core i7-920 Bloomfield 2.66GHz LGA 1366 130W
Budget: less than $150
Friend needs an upgraded. Intel. I don't understand Intel very well.
Is: Intel Core i7-920 Bloomfield 2.66GHz LGA 1366 130W
Budget: less than $150
um....for 150usd your not going to upgrade much..... if any.
You are looking at anuther $70 for a i5 and anuther $170-200 for a i7 then a new mobo $100+
Id just get a good cooler and overclock that cpu those old i7-920s can oc up to 4ghz easily.
You can't beat that i7 for less than 150.
its going to be a lateral move if anything.
i'm fairly sure the 920 is pretty much as high as it goes on 1366, if there's anything better it's going to cost a small fortune, so you'd need a new motherboard as well, that performs about as well as a current i5, so you'd need $200 for a new chip and $100 for a new motherboard just to have the exact same capability
Alright. That's what I was thinking. Ill tell him to save up for a new MOBO then.
Question answered.
Then i lock this thread.
Grtz Angel ☺