Another R9 270 or one R9 290

Hey guys. Been an avid viewer of Tek Syndicate for a long time now but this is the first time I have posted on here. Was hoping for some advice.


I will soon be upgrading my mobo and CPU from some cheap Asus board and an AMD A8 to an MSI 970 gaming board and a FX6300. My current card is an R9 270 OC from Asus and I was wondering it it would be better to get another matching card, or sell my current card and put it towards a 290/X.

Current gaming is 1080p and I don't think I will be pushing much higher than that for a long time yet due to not owning a higher res monitor. Another note is that the 270 in my current rig does not overclock well at all. Even a 50mhz OC in afterburner causes random crashing in games so I pretty much have to run it at stock speeds at all times. 


Thanks for reading guys



I would recommend a single r9 290 over two r9 270s because, you get the full 4 GB of VRAM with the 290 and some games have bad crossfire support.

Thanks, that was my thinking too, I guess I was just hoping to save a few quid but the 4GB will be much better for some newer games, even at only 1080p. I was toying with the idea of a 280x but the price is not that different in the UK so might as well go all out on it

Single 290 4GB - for reasons above.


I had 2 x 280x's and crossfire was a royal pain, I swapped them out for 2 x 770's and they work perfectly.


I did though get the 2GB editions of the 770 and noticed some slow down with large textured games going from 3gb to 2gb. So a little more reasoning why I suggest 4gb.

Yeah looks like I'll be selling the 270 soon then. :) I want to get the new mobo and CPU first which I should be doing this week and then I'll look into the 290/X after that. 


I know what you mean about slowdown too. 2GB on tomb raider chugs like all hell in shantytown! Don't get me wrong though, the 270 is a great card and can run most things on high/very high but as soon as i experience serious frame drops its time for an upgrade

290 is the way to go

Thanks for the help guys, I'll look into it within the next month hopefully. Cash is a bit tight