Just a very vague run down of what happened, basically Anonymous hacked valuable information from Stratfor and used their credit information to donate money to various charity groups. For motives for the attack and why and how it happened click the link below to read.
well, luzsec and anonymous are in contact and are some what affiliated with each other, so some people can easy cross the line and make the mistake of thinking they are one group
I cannot say that I am overly conserned or caring of someone who stole that much money even if he gave it away....Does not matter still a thief.
Giving away classified material in my book is treason, and if he gets life in a hole because of it good. ( Do not argue unless your identity and money has been hacked )
( mine has, took me 2 years to clear up )
In Addenum: I am an old military dude who still believes in the death penalty for treason, firing squad. You say, "But it was not a violent crime. it was against a coproration.." Read the article a small bit, that coproration hides the govs secrets, and any gov must keep secrets to survive in this political climate...he stole secret things, and stole finacially from that company, secret like YOUR Social security number. Anonamous has stolen the vital personal data of hundrens of thousands, vital information, sold or gave it away, ss numbers, addresses, credit card numbers, bank card numbers and pins.....Get real tech world, these cyber terrorists are in no way heros but are a threat to us all....they don't care who thery harm, innocent of guilty.
Why do these people do this? The simple answer is because they can....Put them all under the prison and away from everyone elses lives.
Any one who disagrees with me e-mail me, or I.M. me, lets not flame out the forum....
I agree he should go to prison too but life are you kidding me, there's people who rape and kill little kids and are out in a few years, that's bull shit and if you think otherwise.... thats a shame
I believe this is pretty jacked, by getting life in prison. I think in some since that people are getting afraid of hackers and that they go a little to far with the sentences. I know the actual crime was wrong, but I believe they get to scared by this since he is a hacker, and they hit him hard. Pretty ridiculous.
They are trying to point out peoples flaws with their security, so a company that can be hacked that easily is storing government secrets and you are mad at him? I'd be mad at the company, they were given such reasonability and can't do the job correctly. He was nice enough to just point it out and donate some of their stupidity to the needy. Seems like a fair warning to ignorance to me....
The irony in this is the fact that the FBI set up the attack on stratfor to get the remaining Lulzsec members not dimed out by Sabu. So Jeremy gets life for "stealing people's lives" while the FBI looks good for catching "traitors"
Stealing is stealing. But when you steal from someone with contacts it seems as if they get priority over someone like myself for example. Would the FBI get involved if my accounts were hacked? Would they get results so quickly? I don't think so.
Equality is lost it seems depending on how much money you have.
i agree with a lot of people on here, stealing is stealing, but at least he put it in a good place, even if he did break the law to get it, i have a strange feeling anonymous will fight for him, they fought for geohotz when the PS3 jailbreak fekll through, but life imprisonment is stupid, maybe a few years 5/10 then pay it back.
You can't just do it and expect nothing to happen.What was he thinking?Oh even if they catch me what could possibly be so bad.Well,there you go,this happens when you fuck with the government .
Actually if people on reddit are to be beleived this guy was a real douche IRL. When this story was on reddit there were multiple people in the thread saying they new him, and that he was a try hard anarchist and most of them kicked him out of their activism groups for taking things too far i.e. vandalism etc. I'm not even going to try to find that thread now because I have no idea what happens to threads when they leave the front page lol.
He had also had two strikes before this with the judge telling him to never touch a computer again. He did and so he got what was coming to him. He should have used moar proxies.
I definitely appreciate his work getting the Stratfor data for us and the rest of the world though.