Annoying FPS Overlay - Need help!

I recently upgraded my card from a GTX 670 to an AMD R9 290, This FPS display recently popped up and I can't figure out where its from or whats causing it, it swaps between the four corners every time I hit F12.

When I hit F9 it becommes Blue/White.

When I hit F10 it makes a "snap" sound like it takes a screenshot..

any info / ideas on what might be causing this is much appreciated!

You have fraps running. You need to close it or uninstall it. Also, after hitting F12 enough times (assuming the counter starts in the upper left, 4 times) it should not appear on the screen anymore.

yeah, I thought so too, but I uninstalled Fraps ages ago, and there is nothing labeled fraps on any of my harddrives..

If the problem persists and you can't find anyway to remove the program, you could re-download Fraps and disable the overlay.