Anime Culture Club

I’ve wanted to visit Japan for many years now, but when I finally had the money for the trip the pandemic hit. :confused:


Oh that’s lame hopefully the travel restrictions start easing up, so you can go it is a pretty nice place to visit.


If you ever had the chance soon, go to Miyajima, so beautiful (and the place where I slept the lady was really nice). And Kamakura was my little haven. June is rainy, and July and August are hot and humid. So aside of May (which is unlikely), September would be a good time.

My first trip was Nagasaki, Miyajima (+Hiroshima), Osaka (+Kobe, Himeji), Kyoto (+Nara) and Tokyo (+Nikko, Kamakura, Hakodate)

And second trip was supposed to be Yakushima (the island that inspired the forest in Mononoke), Fukuoka, Nagoya, and somewhere around Niigata, and back to Tokyo (with a little trip to Kamakura).


Thanks for the tip, tbh there’s so much to see in Japan that it’s impossible to cram everything into one trip. Tokyo will probably be my first destination, and Kyoto old town.

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Kyoto has some pretty cool places, I personally liked Gion the last geisha district, an onsen in the mountains that we took a trip to a bit of a hike about a mile from the train stop but really nice. The gold temple was also pretty cool. The monkey park was fun too.
Entrance to the own sen


Gold temple

Monkey park


well this is rare a new idea in isekai. guy wakes up after having a coma for 17 years and was in a isekai now back to the real world. “what happens after the story ends” has been done before but not quite like this.

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That looks interesting :joy:
It’ll be something to look out for in the summer season!

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“SHOKEI SHOUJO NO VIRGIN ROAD” or “executioner girls virgin road” is kinda interesting. isekai world where people summon people from other worlds all the time they always have some super power so religion formed around finding and killing them all asap to prevent them running rampant. executioner priest thing girl find a iskai whos power is the inability to die sorta messing up the whole point of her existence so she runs around trying to find a way to kill this girl who tags along because idk what else is she going to do?

its a interesting premise and they seem to be thinking about this a bit more then the average anime and arent shy about flat out murder so they arent pulling their punches.

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I read a couple volumes of the manga and liked it quite a bit. I did spot it in the season announcements as well, though I haven’t seen the first episode yet.
Doesn’t seem to be available on any streaming service I can access though, but that hasn’t really stopped me from getting material I wanted to watch in the past :sweat_smile:

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Just wanted to share a screenshot of Hachi from today’s first episode of Heroine-blah-blah-something. I’m not recommending it to anyone (unless you’re specifically into the male idol genre), but thought I’d share as it’s a cliche scene that still managed to catch my attention.

Also the first episode of the golf anime Birdie Wing (by Bandai) had some really interesting scene direction for what seemed to be a fairly mid-level production. There were a lot of little things that reminded me of old school OVAs and movies that used a lot of experimental transitions and effects that were possible because of cel animation. In a world where everyone complains about cookie-cutter 3DCG productions being the norm, it felt like a nice departure from usual rhetoric. But then there’s the whole “call out your super-powered golf shot before you perform something no human ever could”-thing, because anime.

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I have been waiting a long time to visit Japan.

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It really sounds like Eizouken ni wa Te o Dasuna! would be a series you’d enjoy!
Though I suspect that you’ve already seen it… :sweat_smile:

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Eizouken was my #2 of the season and only because Hype-kyuu!! was also airing, followed by Somali and Runway de Waratte. Although if you’re into historical (warring states era) comedies, Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga is also worth mentioning.

The stuff that I tend to skip is the stereotypical shounen shows that are overly popular in the West. I don’t go out of my way to avoid the genre or any shows in particular (aside from the purely meme-fueled stuff like Ishuzoku Reviewers or Jojos), I just naturally gravitate towards more niche genres.

I have watched hundreds of different movies, series, and shows, yet still haven’t seen MHA, HxH, Demon Slayer, Death Note, Naruto, and similar. I don’t think any of them are bad, there is just so many other things that I would rather watch first from my massive backlog. It’s not the genre either as I thoroughly enjoyed FMA, Jujutsu Kaisen, AoT, Shokugeki, and just about every sports anime ever made that isn’t like Keijo!(x8).

Yeah same here…

I don’t really feel drawn to the massively popular ones. At least not really due to any hype. Most of the ones I did see (and liked) were ones I started following from the first airing and only later found out that they had become popular. Like your examples of FMA, Jujutsu Kaisen and Shokugeki (though stopped with the lastest seasons).

I have way too many other series I’d like to watch and try to keep my backlog as small as possible. I mainly pick up things when I have “spare time” in my schedule. Which means picking up a “short series” with just a few seasons gets priority over something with an insane amount of episodes like Naruto for instance.
Then I’m way happier to invest that time into finally watching El-Hazard The Wanderers or Sailor Moon Crystal (which are my current “active” backlog series).

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You just made me ask myself, “have I finished Wanderers? I think I did…”

Turns out that I have not seen any of Wanderers, just the original series. I think I have it all in my collection already too.

Added to my list to read later

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i like the premise i dont like how they gave the “sword” a humanoid body. having the sword be a real sword would have been a much better premise because then the magic sentient sword needs someone to wield it and that relationship can be explored from the position of the object not the person which is interesting. giving the “sword” a body feels like a cop out playing with the idea but ignoring the most interesting consequences of it so they can have a cute cat girl they can fan service with.

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Yeah… I had the same thought a few weeks ago.
I had seen the OVAs, but not the series :sweat_smile:

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Reminds me of the start of


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