Anime Culture Club

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Parasyte is kinda spooky I guess.

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Why you have moles on your pee pee? Thatā€™s weird.

@Skelterz Season two of Fate Extra Lost Encore is now live. Iā€™ll start it tomorrow.

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Finally rewatching the best anime about F R I E N D S H I P thatā€™ll ever exist. Iā€™m only 41 episodes in but damnā€¦the feels, man, the feels.

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Whatā€™s the song in the beginning?

from Devilman Crybaby, I posted this almost nonstop when it came out.

the opening is also lit

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No I mean the piano one at 50ish seconds in

learn to timestamp

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This is actually the first time I havenā€™t timestamped something.

Searching for a bit of music without any hints (theme, artist, etc) is quite difficult. The comments didnā€™t bring up any results (although I gave up after ~200 or so), besides other people asking for the song.
You best bet might be a music recognition app like Shazam.

Shazam works on anime songs?

Turns out it is a normal song and I only like the part that was in the video lol. rip

Idk why it took me this long to notice but if you get some much as a drop of water on you in anime you are going to be deathly ill.

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The audio was terrible for Hellsing Ultimate on vrv so i grabbed the Blu-ray off the shelf and updated my ps3