Anime Culture Club

re watching Gundam thunderbolt because reasons.

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Yep @Skelterz @Some_Tech_Noob sometimes this series can be satisfying, most of the time it is just a whole lot of nothing and so it is boring though.

But really though, how ya’ll not like this joke, it is actually pretty good, cus he is chasing booty

Just watched ready player one, I can now say I’ve watched gundam.

Even the crazy acrobatic gundam shit from anime is how it should be in a real movie,

No, now go sit in the corner

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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something like that

but theres some other differences, how exactly/when they use the chibi stuff, some voice acting differences(like armstrong guy was same voice actor but used a different voice) some different dialog/stuff

ex: in general for me armstrong in brotherhood is more tryhard about being serious, and then when he does do weird stuff they go way overboard with the flashy sparkles and shit, comes off more fruity/trying to hide it or something to me then in the first one, shittier openings etc

Don’t get me wrong, I like Bleach. And I really prefer filler episodes or even complete filler arcs over artificially stretching episodes. But where I’m at now with watching Bleach they repeat the last few min of the previous episode (3-5min including op) AND throw in flashbacks (and they’re done crappy cause now the show is 16:9 and the flashbacks are still 4:3).

I know what I’m doing next

Go on a journey to find your DAAR-LING?

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Even the jails in Soul Society are like that…


censored to block dat #PLOT thumbnail


Lmao I’m getting dubbed ads for my hero academia, DUBBED!!! LMFAO, they sound like a bunch of old fucks trying to voice a bunch of teenagers, it’s funny though because it is a bunch of old fucks trying to voice a bunch of teenagers.

dubbed, heheXD
Dubbed, LOL


Don’t worry, @TeckMonster senpai, You, and any other dub watchers in this forum are still pretty chill

Hey now… no shaming people who listen to dubs. Some shows are actually as good if not better when dubbed. Panty and Stocking and the Dragonball franchise come to mind.

On another note, excellent use of related gif.

mb let my inner tyler1 come out

Didn’t even think about this lmao, just the first obnoxious laughing gif that came to mind

@Skelterz @Some_Tech_Noob my fav character right there, I didn’t really care for her at first but once she popped out of chibi form she was awesome, and now I can appreciate her chibi form more.

It’s still trash

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One Punch Man Season 2 teaser released

there ya go. good live action.


One Punch Man POGGERS

Obviously, if the trash fan service show that’s just there to make money or some shit that’s currently airing has more happen in an episode than this then it’s totes trash. Cringed so hard when I said totes butt fuck it

But I’m definitely going to get much use outa that pic