Anime Culture Club

inb4 sm1 cmprs’s th whl sson nd ^lods it hre.



Wow, for the first time in forever I finished a single 12 episode anime season in 1 day!

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Barakamon was a short, sweet, and cute anime, I’d recommend it to anyone looking for a quick lighthearted anime.

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For some reason the follow up is a prequel which no one likes.

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Didn’t know it had one, not gonna watch it either, I’m content with just the main series.

Is this anime any good?

Suzuka is a typical Seo romance, it goes from Good to ok to retarded in no particular order

Never seen the second one

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I enjoyed it quite a lot, sure the whole cast of Barakamon definitely made the show but I did like Handa as a character.
Good ol’ social anxiety intensifying along with slippery slope misunderstandings

I like Tsuritama, its about fishing, and friends.

What’s that?

I feel like regressing his character is kind of pointless because he just ends up where he is at the beginning of Barakoman

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the author Kouji Seo, wrote the manga for Suzuka, Kimi no Iru Machi and Fuuka

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So it is bad?

I wouldn’t go that far it’s just frustrating as a reader when the story quality is so inconsistent, here is a graph

Note: the amount of #plot is inverse to how good the story is

Graph provided by @Kat

also his manga run on quite long and are never popular enough to get a full adaptation so the anime is always inferior to the manga.


@Skelterz, wait what? There is a character named Vodka in the horse girl anime? LMAO they chose the dumbest names ever, didn’t even try.

Uh those are all the names of race horses you dink

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or you mean the other one?


I mean the one named after a period Special Week

Wasn’t it made into a game?

The anime is an advertisement for the game