Anime Culture Club

Should I watch this? I mean any of you guys saw it and liked it? The premise seems okay, but honestly it’s the visuals that made me check this out.

Also how bout this?

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Yes and yes

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Cutie Honey Universe could’ve and should’ve been so much better… held back by seemingly poor direction, lower budget, and very sub-par execution.

The premise of the show is pretty great, the fact that it’s a long-standing member of the anime industry should’ve been helpful, quite a few of the characters are alright, and the unique and dark spin on the franchise could’ve been a very nice addition. It just didn’t deliver. Jokes fell flat, action wasn’t great, not enough character development to actually feel anything, and when the climax came it wasn’t that huge weight off your shoulders feeling you get from other anime. It just felt hollow, lacking soul and life. It’s sad because the pieces are there to make a good show, but someone just mashed the puzzle pieces together haphazardly and called it good enough.

Macross is on the list now.

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Why can’t I turn down the god damn volume lmao, threw my headphones off cus that was loud af.

Turn down for what

Damn, just checked to watch Ep 50 of MHA and saw there was no episode in Eng dub.
Its been delayed. RIPPU
Oh well. back to Sub.


That’s what I like to hear

Franxx ep 21 was interesting, I have lots of questions about things they just flew over real quick, hate when a series info dump something in one episode, loved the emotion of the group splitting to go different ways :stuck_out_tongue:

tfw you finish up a great anime and there’s nothing left…


Are you referring to the the alien shenanigans?

yeah the instant drop of-

Spoiler here I guess

OHH HEY WE GOT THESE ALIENS ATTACKING USE ALL OF A SUDDEN, but it does kinda work since how would humans have known about them if they never talked to the kalaxosaurs, and then they dropped that the aliens from interstella 5555 lived on earth before us.
then I kinda wondered why the doc had to go when he could detach his arm to access the door lol… AND THEN HE GETS CRUSHED AT THE END LIKE DAFU HE SUFFERED SO MUCH ALREADY, WHYYY.

Yeah im giving the show overal a 6/10 fer me, has great moments but too many ehh moments to keep my attention at times, and I watch anime about ship tactics and politics!

It doesn’t really matter to the story because it was always about the characters and their interactions and our understanding of the overall situation is only somewhat better than their own.

I highly recommend Maria-Sama Ga Miteru to you degener… shoujo-ai fans like myself.

It’s a bit on the slow side (shoujo genre… what do you expect), but it’s a fantastic series nonetheless.

wow that description… while not wrong… it certainly doesn’t paint a good picture of the series.

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Volume slider is in the bottom right hand corner.

Been meaning to get around to that

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This true? @Skelterz


She’s not asuka levels of tsundere


On the second round of watching Evangelion Asuka seems a lot softer than when I watched it originally.

That just mutes it for me, the slider doesn’t appear or isn’t there to begin with

I haven’t watched any anime since I watched Evangelion with you, other than the newest episode of Megalo Box