Anime Culture Club

two more episodes, glad those specials weren’t part of the episode count

updated my season watch list

hm 50% drop rate more if you include on hold


Just started watching:

My god, the mini tanks are sooooooo cute:

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I will say Amanchu Advance does get better… it’s just getting through that 1 arc that’s troublesome. (why they put it in there I will never know… It only detracts from the show imo).

I stopped at episode 5, also i’ve read the manga and was hoping the anime would spend more time in cute girl mode rather than bobble head mode.

I tried to get into that ages ago. I don’t think I’m into the iyashi ke genre. Things are just way to slow and usually there is very little character development.

I like some slow stuff every now and then like Marimite.

yeah the reaction faces are pretty ridiculous and a bit overused. Good enough show to get me to watch and rate it decently though (not saying much since I enjoy some trash…).

but thats if i were to follow your logic chain to the end

id rather just watch a good thing, regardless of director control or whatever.

and when i go in under the assumption they are always better and am proven wrong every time? in that at best ive seen similar quality, in that never seen one that i didnt see areas for improvement

to where id have to make a list and keep track of each character good/bad etc to try to see which one is objectively better

more competition means there’s more ‘products’ not always that those products are better(as in all of them as a guarantee), ex: websites, pretty much anything on the internet, time periods where theres lots of competing products, like say before the ibm pc won out, there was assload of only sorta competitive products that all got mega destroyed for being trash

in short: more products more chances for shit also, usually in areas where the level of entry is lower, is higher levels of shit

i usually watch dubs because i dont really care if they have the same voice actors, but i would rather not have overly simplified dialog, as can be seen by watching subs, on say american tv where the original audio is english, people cant read that fast, if there is complicated dialog/fast dialog etc, they usually just start cutting shit out/paraphrase,

in dub they have a higher words per minute allowance, as well as the obvious speaking stuff, like if they accentuate a specific word you can tell which one it is, as in subs they usually dont get fancy with bolds/italics etc

I’ve never come across this, in fact when shows are dialogue heavy like the Monogatari series or Durarararara they just ramp up the speed of the subtitles.

that’s pretty optimistic especially with how haphazardly dubs are churned out. While the limited talent pool is a detriment the quality of a dub hinges entirely on how much the studio is invested in the final product.

Also these days accuracy is more of concern when it comes to the dub as seen with what funimation did with Dragon Maid and My First Girlfriend is a Gal

Subs don’t need bolds or italic, you’re hearing the VA emote, sure it’s in Japanese but it doesn’t take mastering in Japanese to understand

not saying they do it right/all the time

but they could do that

for japanese nop < got no clue at all if they add a random inflection or their voice cracks or something no idea what exact syllable/word its for

like if they shout or something, just have to derive from the context of the sub what they shouted or whatever it is.

seen it a bunch in cartoons and stuff(dont have translations/scripts of anime to compare or anything though otherwise), where its not exactly what they said, fairly often, even stuff that isnt word heavy, just sometimes stuff to make it an easier read/more correct sentence structure i guess

Rare picture of @Skelterz with his Idol background, I bet a few of those Idols are transgender or just straight up traps, but whatever floats your boat right?

Low key though that’s me. JK I wish I was as much of a god as Kadeem is, not only at league but also IRL, he has some mad shadow boxing skills.

all the icons :x

need more untucked traps

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it seems recently there has been an uptick in poor quality dubs

dunno havent seen ‘new’ stuff in forever :stuck_out_tongue: lol

rip my predictions for sao alt ggo are a bit off, didn’t expect it to be this dumb lmao

It’s predictable but there is no sword Jesus

pito is sword jesus what are you talking about you meme

edit oops forgot to watch franxx today, brb while I’m still awake from bubble tea

She doesn’t have borderline supernatural powers or any special skills giftered to her just because she is awesome. Llenn uses tactics based on her stats that she has practiced over and again.

that moment when I reliaze the folder where all my anime goes is named 02 and I started watching it a while after it started


Are we sharing out anime folders?