Anime Culture Club

Ouran host club is much better in my opinion with genuine character development. Too bad they never gave it a proper ending.

Garden of Sinners is still my favorite romance though.


Thatā€™s one of the things I like about Toradora. I think it has extremely strong character development.

Iā€™ll be watching that next.

Isnā€™t that a horror anime? Or mystery or something? Didnā€™t think that was a romance, I have that in my PTW list

You wish

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LMFAO I have had this one on my PTWlist for so long and I guess I didnā€™t read the description cus now I just did and it sounds so awesome Iā€™m actually going to start this tomorrow.

Eh, I would say my like for the series is based off how much of a raw deal Illya got in UBW, there is quite a bit of trashiness I let slide because of that.

On discord I change my names to things like that all the time, itā€™s fun.

A magical girl show based on the Fate lore

Wait if itā€™s based on the lore Why is it some alternate universe stuff?

Just finished this (besides the epilogue and Recalled Summer) so damn good

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Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve seen it but I also have a gripe with how Tsunderes work, like no one is actually a Tsundere IRL because being a cunt to everyone you meet would definitely see you with no friends so the concept destroys any realism a show is going for in my mind.

Stop at episode 18. I stopped there so I have no idea whatā€™s after but apparently Hideaki Anno stops directing it there and the rest of the series goes to shit. 18 gives you a satisfying ending so I was content with stopping there.


The show is mostly about the character development of Shiki the main character and part of that is her relationship with this guy. One of the movies is specifically focused on that.



watch recalled out to summer then watch the whole series again then youll be ready for the epilougue cause it gets real philosophical


Loosely based on the Fate lore, very loosely

Damn it, took me weeks to get through the eight movies

Anything that Type-Moon produces is in the same rules so they all roughly take place in the same universe but on different timelines so you can have stuff like the most ambitious cross over event in historyā€¦

fuck me I love this song

Is also in the same universe and itā€™s very good. So hyped they are remaking it

lol, that is amazing

also this bit from the Brave Shine opening breaks my heart

also jesus christ the animation in that op is glorious

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You my friend, are mistaken. Not all tsunderes are like that to everyone, some are only like that to guys, and I know a few people who fit this description just right. They are annoying, I donā€™t hang out with them unless they happen to be with my group of friends lol

Does the anime shiki have anything to do with this series?

the whole concept of tsundere has no basis in reality