Anime Culture Club Meta - Changes and Updates

Hi @anon4458306 please see above

there’s always the lounge bby

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Memes are alright, just keep it quality > quantity

Not defending that particular meme.


I’m split on this, on the one hand it keeps the main thread clean, on the other I now need to keep track of two threads.

eventually this thread will die off as user of the old anime lounge understand the new rules

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Sorry. It’s an idea I had. It might go away if it is annoying for us.

Now that’s 15 memes for you.

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remember when the forum died

I mean it’s not a bad idea, let’s see how it goes.

literally worse than Hiitler

I will destroy you desu

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the increase in pure shitposting in the anime lounge got us on the mod’s radar, we just need to put in a little more effort in keeping the thread on topic (that includes me too)

thats the whole point of even coming to this forum tho…

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I smell next victim of the nazis mod team

jokes aren’t banned, are they? lol

Don’t take me so seriously

I guess sorry for offtopic

hard to tell when people are joke when it comes to the mods, had to deal with plenty of people reeeeing about nazi mods, sorry for being short with you

I won’t lie that I don’t agree with the decision, but it’s their forum, so they set the rules.

off topic happens, it’s natural. we just need to try to keep it to a minimum, like the 20 gif/meme rule seems arbitrary but it just means we need to get back on topic

Why is it hidden? What’s going on here? Honestly I got here then I left because I got bored and now I’m back again after figuring out how to get back and am confused lmao

this is the meta discussion thread

< small>

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Anyways, I guess I’ll go to bed. 6 AM lol.

Cya when I finish Orange I guess, to write my feelings on it.

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Use ACC to talk about anime. Use this thread to talk about the ACC thread it’s self. Did that clear it up for you?