Android phone based network

Is there any way we can set up a mesh network with iphones and androids? At school the county wants to give us wireless, but they don't have the money to buy new APs at this point, I'm trying to patch together a temporary solution. Could we just have one person who is near a certain spot act like a bridge to a wireless router plugged into Ethernet, and everyone else's phones just act as repeaters to extend that?

+1 to this. Any N wireless router that's used can pick one up for next to nothing.

Cool thanks guys!

The ubiquity Wireless N models are awesome for the job at hand and they are alot cheaper than their N and AC models and can give more bandwith than the android phones... Consider looking into those.. you could literally buy i think 5 of them for 250.. thats 50 a router and they have enterprise level stuff in them.. when your talking deals that is awesome... 

This is there website..

Look at the UAP (base model) 

dont buy from there site ofcourse but you can get a much better product that can provide a lot more features

This is extremely interesting, and in the grand scheme of things, entirely possible. There was some sort of app that used sort of a mesh or point to point communication that rioters were using in the Tokyo riots to communicate without the reliance on an external network. I believe that it utilized the bluetooth radio to do so, so theoretically it's possible.

Over wifi however, the overhead of doing something like this would make the speed simply unbearable after just a couple bridges. Latency would also be a real killer.