Android on iPhone 6 Test - Trollin' at its finest for the general population

So a couple of guys on YouTube, decided to see how incredibly dumb, the general population is. (Kudos to Wendell for finding this video) they committed an act of Blasphemy, they Installed Android Lollipop on an iPhone 6, and told people it was iOS 9. the amount of face-palming is strong here.

Thoughts? I thought this was incredibly cringe worthy and it shows Fanboys are idiots.

^ I like how this is from Linus's forum too

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you would have to make sure your iPhone is rooted. you will have to do a kernel patch on iOS, then after that go on Cydia run and install bootlace, then install iDroid. you'll be able to Boot Both Android and iOS on the iPhone.


Second time this has been on here today but still rofl.

I have a feeling it's just a theme.

There was a project many years ago to get Android to run on the iPhone 3 or so... but I'm pretty sure it got abandoned once people realized they could just buy cheap android phones.

I really like how people just "liked" it because it was "apple". Theres some really uninformed people out there in regards to technology. Oh well what can you do right?

Haha, gets better every time! xDD

Seen it a day or so ago, but every time you see it.... Pure gold.